Our AGM was held on 30 May 2019 in Sydney, hosted by our Member Association the Australian Computer Society.
Here is a summary of the Report given to the Member Associations present:

The Australian Council of Professions is a not-for-profit organisation comprised of professional associations and organisations that share the vision of building and maintaining community confidence in the Professions and their Professionals.
The 2018 reporting year had resourcing challenges, however we continued to deliver the thought leadership and benefits that our Member Associations expect from us. We were assisted by a permanent and an interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and a part-time Head of Portfolio Committee as well as volunteers who provided valuable contributions to our organisation. A number of Members provided additional support through the provision of in-kind services. We see this as a sign of their strong commitment to assist us in delivering the Vision, Mission/Purpose and Objects of our organisation.
In particular, our Member Associations told us that the following activities have made us a respected thought leader and even stronger advocate of the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism:
- Exploring and collating your views and opinions on the “Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Review Terms of Reference” for the Federal Department of Education and Training (DET) at a Members-Only Forum in February 2018.
- The Forum was followed-up with a targeted Review Session for Professional Associations and the opportunity for our Members to directly converse with the AQF Review Panel which resulted in a formal Submission on behalf of our Member Associations.
- On 21 February 2018 we held the inaugural National Professional Accreditation Best Practices Summit which was hailed as a very timely event with more than 140 participants, many intensive discussions between the higher-education thought leaders in Australia and a Communiqué approved in the closing session. The Summit was opened by Education Minister Birmingham and high-calibre keynoters included Professor Mike Woods, Emeritus Professor Christine Ewan AM, the Hon Trish White, Anthony McClaran from TEQSA, Professor Kerri-Lee Krause from Universities Australia as well as the Deputy Chairs of the Washington and Seoul Accords, Emeritus Professor Elizabeth Taylor AO and Professor Michael Johnson.
- In March we participated in the International Women’s Day celebration hosted by the AIBC Canberra and supported by our Member Association SSSI.
- In September 2018 we mourned the passing of our Immediate Past President Brenda Aynsley OAM. At her Tribute event we announced the creation of the Brenda Aynsley Memorial Lecture on Professionalism as a lasting tribute to her leadership and fearless advocacy of the value of the professions.
- In October we appointed the first Portfolio Head for the Education and Accreditation Portfolio Committee. Dr Asheley (“Ash”) Jones joined us with a deep background in education, accreditation and micro-credentials, immediately accelerated progress on the work items of the Committee and was instrumental in the outstanding success of our inaugural National Summit on Micro-Credentials and Accreditation on 7&8 March 2019 in Melbourne.
- In November we held a Members-Only Forum on Professionalism and Ethics on 17 November 2018 in Melbourne. Dr Wim VanDeKerckhove PhD, Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Employment and Work (CREW) at the University of Greenwich UK and a global leader in whistleblowing management standards gave the keynote which was followed by very comprehensive discussions.
- Also in November we represented our Member Associations at the “Industry Professional Bodies Forum” held by the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) in November 2018. The event was intended to provide bodies who have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with TEQSA to articulate their thoughts and experiences. We have been a TEQSA MoU Partner since February 2017.
- We also promoted the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism through our ongoing sponsorship of the Australian Financial Review ‘Client Choice’ Best Professional Award in 2018 as well as 2019.
At the conclusion of our reporting year ending 31 December 2018, our organisation has consolidated its unique role as the national alliance of Associations promoting professional standards, practice and ethics. We are now acknowledged by the community, industry and government as the thought-leader championing and advancing professional practice and ethics in the interest of the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism in Australia.
We continue to be in a financially sound position and have progressed well along our strategic path towards being more self-sustaining.
At the AGM, the following three Directors were elected:
– Catherine Garvey CHIM MAICD (re-elected)
– Dr Simon Eassom
– Craig Horne MACS(Snr) IP3P GAICD
If you would like more information, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or CEO@Professions.org.au.