Annual General Meeting 2019

Our AGM was held on 30 May 2019 in Sydney, hosted by our Member Association the Australian Computer Society.

Here is a summary of the Report given to the Member Associations present:

The Australian Council of Professions is a not-for-profit organisation comprised of professional associations and organisations that share the vision of building and maintaining community confidence in the Professions and their Professionals.
The 2018 reporting year had resourcing challenges, however we continued to deliver the thought leadership and benefits that our Member Associations expect from us. We were assisted by a permanent and an interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and a part-time Head of Portfolio Committee as well as volunteers who provided valuable contributions to our organisation. A number of Members provided additional support through the provision of in-kind services. We see this as a sign of their strong commitment to assist us in delivering the Vision, Mission/Purpose and Objects of our organisation.

In particular, our Member Associations told us that the following activities have made us a respected thought leader and even stronger advocate of the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism:

At the conclusion of our reporting year ending 31 December 2018, our organisation has consolidated its unique role as the national alliance of Associations promoting professional standards, practice and ethics. We are now acknowledged by the community, industry and government as the thought-leader championing and advancing professional practice and ethics in the interest of the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism in Australia.
We continue to be in a financially sound position and have progressed well along our strategic path towards being more self-sustaining.

At the AGM, the following three Directors were elected:
Catherine Garvey CHIM MAICD (re-elected)
Dr Simon Eassom
Craig Horne MACS(Snr) IP3P GAICD

If you would like more information, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or

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