We held our first entirely virtual Annual General Meeting on 30 July 2020 in line with ASIC’s special COVID-19 pandemic advice.
With all but one Member Association in attendance, the AGM approved the President’s and Financial Reports as well as the reappointment of the auditor.
The Members then considered proposed updates to the April 2018 Constitution that would improve our governance practices, simplify our operations and ensure we are forward-looking and responsive to the changing needs of our member organisations and the professions. The updates also reflect the lessons learnt in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The voting Members unanimously approved the Updated Constitution.
The voting Members then elected the following Directors:
- Jane MacMaster BE FIEAust CPEng EngExec (Chief Engineer – Engineers Australia)
- Michael Carpenter BEng(hons) MBA GAICD (CEO – Australian Psychology Accreditation Council)
- Ron Watts ComplEAust FAHRI GAICD (Past Executive General Manager – Engineers Australia)
- A/Prof Klaus Veil FACHI FHL7 MAICD (Past President – Australasian College of Health Informatics)
The Chair thanked all for their attendance at this first fully virtual AGM, their participation in the meeting and of course their ongoing contributions to the professions through their continuing membership of ACoP