Celebrating the centenary of representing their profession, our member association Engineers Australia co-hosted the World Engineers Convention 2019 with the World Federation of Engineering Organisations in Melbourne last week.
The World Federation of Engineering Organisations is the peak body for engineering institutions internationally, representing more than 90 countries and 20 million engineers around the world. This is the first time that Engineers Australia and World Federation of Engineering Organisations have co-hosted a convention in Australia.
Engineers Australia is one of the largest professional associations for engineering in the world, representing all engineering disciplines and active in accreditation and setting international standards for engineering education.

Engineers Australia is a proud Member of the Australian Council of Professions. EA Executive General Manager, Professional Standards & Practice Ron Watts CompIEAust FAHRI said “The World Engineers Convention is a great example of how professions in Australia showcase all that is great about how the professions contribute to the communities they serve and a reminder that we are part of a global community. Over 75 nations were represented at WEC.”
The Australian Council of Professions congratulates Engineers Australia on their work to help shape, regulate and represent the profession. ACoP President Klaus Veil FACHI FHL7 said “Engineering is a profession that is integral to every field of human endeavour and touches the life of every Australian. From the professionals that enable us to be mobile by designing our roads, railways and airports, the experts that keep us healthy and safe designing and testing medical equipment to those that push the boundaries beyond the earth designing telescopes and spacecraft – all are part of the community of over 100,000 professionals in Engineers Australia. The Australian Council of Professions thanks Engineers Australia for 100 years of service to the Australian community.”