Micro-Credentials, Experiential Learning, etc. are examples of some rapid developments in the pathways of becoming a professional. Many of our member organisations are currently exploring and working on what progression to the membership of a Professional Association might look like in the future.

Our Round-Table will explore possible future pathways to professional standing and eligibility for membership of Professional Associations. If there is consensus on basic principles of potential future pathways to become a professional, we may capture these as possible guidance for the Professional Associations sector.
- Opening, Introductions, Purpose and Rules of the Round-Table
- ALIA’s work to date on Future Pathways to Professional Standing
Sue McKerracher, CEO & Kate Bunker, Director of Learning – Australian Library and Information Association - Assessing Academic Qualification Equivalence
Bernadette Foley FIEAust CPEng, National Manager Professional Standards – Engineers Australia - Adapting Professional Frameworks for Rapidly Evolving Specialisations
Rupert Grayston, CEO and Jarred Stein, Operations Manager Skills Assessment – Australian Computer Society - Challenges of Professions without long-standing Tertiary Qualifications
Jesu Jacob, Acting CEO – Australian Community Workers Association - Break
- Open discussion on the topic
- Identifying points of consensus
- Next steps
- Close
We thank our member organisation Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) for their support of the Round Table. For more information, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or CEO@Professions.org.au.