The inaugural National Micro‐Credentials Accreditation Summit on 7&8 March in Melbourne was a run‐away success with over 270 registrations. We had to extend the event to two days and change the venue twice to accommodate the interest in the Summit!
After an inspiring Welcome to Country our keynoters A/Prof Marcus O’Donnell (Pro‐Vice‐Chancellor Education, Deakin University), The Hon Trish White (National President and Chair, Engineers Australia), Prof Susan Elliott AM (DVC Education, Monash University), Prof Belinda Tynan (DVC Education, RMIT), Prof Peter Noonan (AQF Review and VU), Prof Marcus Bowles (Director/Chair, The Institute for Working Futures), Anthony McClaran (CEO, TEQSA), Dr Simon Eassom (Executive General Manager Education, CPA Australia), Glenn Campbell (Executive Director, DeakinCo), etc. highlighted the various opportunities, aspects and challenges that Micro‐Credentials bring.

Overall, the speakers and participants agreed that Micro‐Credentials are well and truly upon us with all university speakers confirming that their programs to create and deliver Micro‐Credential units are well advanced or have already commenced. However, the issues of how Micro‐Credentials are evaluated and accredited as well as if they will eventually replace the traditional under-graduate degrees are still quite unclear and need more deliberations ‐ see the Summit Communiqué below. These questions will be explored in the two Micro-Credentials Round‐Tables in Sydney and Melbourne!
In another first, five of our Member Associations awarded CPD/CPE points to participants.
A very special Thank You to Dr Ash Jones and the team at DeakinCo for their generous support!
Klaus Veil FACHI FHL7 – Convener and Summit Chair