Each July, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The theme for 2023 is a call ‘For Our Elders’. As the unifying alliance for Australian professions, ACoP invites all professionals to acknowledge the significance of indigenous Elders and the important role that they have played, and continue to play, in our communities. Much like professionals, Elders are knowledge holders, trailblazers, advocates, teachers, leaders, and hard workers.

How can Professionals play their part in respecting and celebrating Elders?
ACoP is focused on the role of professions to drive evidence-based decisions, expertise and thought leadership to navigate the complex and wicked problems facing humankind – many problems of which we may have had a hand in creating.
Indigenous Elders hold the experience and intrinsic understanding across multiple sectors. Sectors that many of our professionals work in: health, education, the arts, politics and everything in between.
So, perhaps, now is the time for professionals to acknowledge our Indigenous Elders’ influence, tenacity and strength, drawing from their learnings and knowledge as they relate to our future generations.
Positive change will only come about when professionals show leadership through taking responsibility and accountability by considering all sources of knowledge to solve problems that have endured and permeated our economic, legal and social structures.
If you would like more information, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or CEO@Professions.org.au. Download NAIDOC 2023 resources here to help celebrate NAIDOC Week!