The Australian Council of Professions maintains reciprocal relationships with other peak bodies to effectively collaborate in our main policy areas and support our advocacy in the professional domain.
Universities Australia

Since at least 2012 the Australian Council of Professions (ACoP / “Professions Australia”) has worked with Universities Australia, the national peak body for public universities, on higher education course accreditation by professional associations.
This work culminated in 2016 with the signing of the Joint Statement of Principles for Professional Accreditation. The Joint Statement has become the de-facto policy foundation for professional accreditation bodies and universities when undertaking higher education course accreditations. It is also being used by other countries as a foundation for their accreditation regulatory schemes.

In February 2017 the Australian Council of Professions signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency that allows for greater collaboration and sharing of information between our two organisations. We attend TEQSA’s conferences and MOU Partner events.
Dept. of Education

The Australian Council of Professions and the Dept. of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) regularly consult with each other on various aspects of common interest, in particular regarding higher education course accreditation, Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) and employability.
In May 2020, we worked with DESE on the Joint Statement of Principles for the Higher Education Sector COVID-19 Response which provides a consensus-based approach to ensuring public health and safety while maintaining the continuity, integrity and reputation of Australian higher education.
As a result, in June 2020 Education Minister Tehan wrote to ~100 accreditation bodies noting our initiative, encouraging the adoption of the principles outlined in the Joint Statement and referring to our web site.
Council of Small Business Organisations

In May 2020, ACoP signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA).
Initial activities have been the ‘COVID-19 Road to Recovery Education and Training Needs‘ research project and the COVID-19 Business Recovery Council.
Asia-Pacific Federation of Associations

In July 2020, the Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations (APFAO) admitted ACoP as a member.
Beaton Research
The Client Choice Awards held annually by Beaton Research are based on ratings of clients on firms and their performance in delivering services on a range of criteria including quality, value for money, price and innovation. In addition, respondents nominate and rate individual practitioners who deliver exceptional quality and service. ACoP has been a sponsor of the Client Choice Awards since their inception in 2004 and present the ‘Best Practitioner’ and ‘Best Professional’ Awards.
The Associations Forum
The Australian Council of Professions has since March 2017 had a reciprocal collaborative relationship with The Associations Forum who through conferences, symposia and consulting provides ‘nuts and bolts’ services for associations. We routinely attend each other’s events and regularly consult each other on matters of common interest.
If you would like more information on our partnerships, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or