We are delighted that three well-regarded leaders of professional and educational organisations have joined us in taking our organisation forward to be even more widely recognised and influential as the Unifying Alliance of Professional Associations in Australia.

We welcome Julie Strous BVS GAICD (Executive Director – Australasian Veterinary Boards Council), Lynette Harris M.Ed (Director – Navitas Professions) and Mark Lowy M.Sc MPM MBA (Imm. Past President – Project Management Institute, Melbourne) who join Dr Nick Tate FACS CP CEng (Chair – ACoP Strategic Advisory Council) and Dr Ash Jones (Head – ACoP Education & Accreditation Portfolio) as co-opted members of our leadership team, separate to our elected Directors.
They will help steer the Australian Council of Professions to achieve the projects and activities that our Member organisations have requested us to undertake:
- Our “Life-Long-Learning/Education and Employability for Australia’s Industry 4.0” Initiative
- The “Principles and Practice of Micro-Credentials“
- Exploring a “Future of Pathways to Professional Standing” Round-Table
- Expanding the “Principles of Higher-Education Course Accreditation” to the entire higher education sector
Welcome Julie, Lynette and Mark!