On behalf of the Board, it is with regret that I advise that our CEO Liz Lang will be leaving Professions Australia (aka the Australian Council of Professions – ACoP) to pursue a new opportunity as the ACT Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Architects.

Over the last 3 ½ plus years, working with you and your Board, Liz has delivered on many major achievements to advance the professions, professionalism and professionals including the rebranding of our organisation and new constitution, transforming us to online operations and a new website, Twitter, signing of the Joint Statement of Principles for Professional Accreditation, signing of the MOU with TEQSA, providing ‘breaking news’ and regular communications to you and ensuring that our relationships with key stakeholders on your behalf are constructive and responsive among many other initiatives. Many of you might be surprised to learn that Liz was employed part time and yet seemed to be always available to us as Members and indeed as Board members. Professions Australia has been spoilt by Liz and deserves our sincere thanks for the contribution she has made in her time with us.
I am sure that you will join us in wishing Liz all the best for the future and no doubt she will cross paths with many of you again, particularly if you are based in Canberra. Liz’s last day with Professions Australia is Thursday 31 May 2018.
Brenda Aynsley OAM