The Australian federal Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs The Hon Alex Hawke MP has invited the Australian Council of Professions to serve on his Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration (MACSM).

The purpose of this Ministerial Advisory Council is to provide advice to the Minister on Australia’s temporary and permanent skilled migration programs and associated matters. MACSM is a tripartite body, comprising of industry, unions, State and Territory government representatives and any other members nominated by the Minister.
MACSM advises the Minister on:
- policy settings to optimise the contribution of skilled migration to Australia’s economy, including in regional Australia, and in attracting the best and the brightest
- the size and composition of Australia’s temporary and permanent skilled migration programs
- skill shortages in the labour market which cannot be met from the domestic labour force and domestic training and education programs
- opportunities to reduce regulatory burdens and costs on Australian businesses seeking to access visa programs to fill genuine skilled vacancies
- policies to ensure that Australian workers are afforded priority in the labour market
- the role of State and Territory governments in skilled and business migration
- the adequacy of regulatory powers of the Department of Home Affairs to ensure integrity and detect and prevent practices which are inconsistent with the intent of the programs
- strategies to ensure Australia’s migration programs contribute to Australia’s security, prosperity and economic recovery post COVID-19.
At the MACSM’s initial meeting, we found that ACoP was the only stakeholder representing the professions. We therefore were able to put forward views that we had collated from our member organisations and that would otherwise .
If you would like more information on our participation in MACSM, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or