“On behalf of the Board of the Australian Council of Professions, I am saddened to advise of the passing last weekend of our former President, colleague and friend, Brenda Aynsley OAM FACS CP.
ACoP President Klaus Veil, 15 August 2018
Brenda was respected by us all as a leader and mentor within the Australian Computer Society, the Australian Council of Professions and across the professions that our organisation represents. She was fearless in her advocacy of the value of professionalism and the maintenance of the highest standards of professional and ethical practice.
Brenda served as our President in 2017-18 and as President of the Australian Computer Society in 2014-15. She was chair and immediate past chair of the International Professional Practice Program (IP3).”

Please see the tributes to Brenda Aynsley in the ‘InformationAge’ newsletter of our member, the Australian Computer Society ACS.
At the Tribute event for Brenda hosted by our Member Association the Australian Computer Society in Melbourne, we were honoured to announce the Brenda Aynsley Memorial Lecture on Professionalism.
Vale Brenda Aynsley OAM FACS CP