The game-changing promises of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to do things more efficiently, faster and at a lower cost have recently been tempered by concerns. Can these complex, opaque AI systems do more societal harm than economic good?

Artificial Intelligence systems that neglect humans as a core design principle have the potential to challenge ethical decision-making for professionals across all sectors. We only need to look at the notorious Robodebt debacle, the discourse about Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. algorithms serving and featuring unsubstantiated COVID-19 information and Queensland Health’s payroll failures in 2010 to become concerned.
Our expert Round-Table on 28 September will explore these aspects and how the ‘Professional in the Loop‘ can offer a safeguard.
Our experts are:
Dr Simon Eassom – ex CPA Australia and ACoP Director
Professional Profile

Prof. Kerryn Butler-Henderson – Director & Researcher Digital Health, RMIT
Professional Profile

Prof. Peter Leonard B.Ec.(Hons) LLM – NSW Govt AI Advisory Committee
Professional Profile

Philip Argy BCom LLB FACS FRI MAICD – Arbitrator, Mediator, Expert Determiner and Barrister
Professional Profile

Dr Julie Strous BVSc PDM GAICD – ACoP Vice-President and Professionalism & Ethics Portfolio Co-Chair
Professional Profile

Questions our experts will discuss with you at the Round Table include:
- As a society, what should we tolerate in the face of advancing efficiencies and cost saving in business models?
- How do machines impact human-human versus human-machine interactions in areas of professional advice?
- Can we guard against error and who is responsible for error in machine-managed information (e.g. in legal decisions)?
- How do we protect against unexpected consequences in areas such as medicine and law?
- How do we guard against unplanned and unintended inbuilt bias?
- What happens to all the people employed in the professional sector whose jobs become automated?
For more information on this Round-Table, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or