“Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. Who can say what form of wiring will prove best at any given moment?” wrote Harvey Blume in The Atlantic in 1998. Over 20 years later, have we progressed much in leveraging neurologically diverse talent to increase productivity and/or address skills shortages in the professions?
If you want to find out all about ‘neurodiversity’, please join us for a panel discussion on 21 September 2021.
Our expert panel will discuss with you:

- What is “neurodiversity”?
- The evidence, what does it tell us?
- What are the barriers to neurodiversity?
- How can neurodiverse individuals be the answer to talent scarcity and skills shortages in your profession?
- Are some professions more predisposed to a neurologically diverse workforce?
- What opportunities can your organisation leverage to increase productivity by engaging with neurologically diverse talent?
The expert panel will explore these issues with you though the lens of their personal experiences, outline insights from evidence-based data and discuss with you the practical aspects and best practices of recognising and leveraging diverse talent to increase productivity and/or address skills shortages in your profession.
The Panelists are:
Angelina Pillai – ACoP Head of Diversity, Culture and Inclusion
Professional Profile

Mark Solonsch – Head of Insights at Medibank, President of Believe:NeuroDiversity, former Board member of Aspergers Victoria
Professional Profile

David Smith – Autism and neurodiversity employment specialist and advocate, founder of Employ for Ability
Professional Profile

Dr Simon Bury – Postdoctoral research fellow, Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC)
Professional Profile

Dr Jennifer Spoor – Deputy director, MBA Program, La Trobe Business School
Professional Profile

For more information on this Round-Table, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or CEO@Professions.org.au.