Member Benefits
Key benefits of being a Member of the Australian Council of Professions include:
– Participation in the national Alliance of Professional Associations
– Early and easy access and input to government policy-making
– Joint ‘profession-neutral’ representation of interests to governments
– Joint promotion of the professions and professionalism to the community
– Joint support of Australia’s economic, social and environmental well‐being
– Networking and sharing of information, knowledge and experience
One of our strengths is our ability to bring together our member organisations to exchange ideas, share experiences and work collaboratively to progress shared interests and objectives. Recent examples are:
- 2022 Strategic Review and Refresh
- Chief Professionalist Round Table
- Micro-Credential Round Table
- Sydney Uni Researches Professional Ethics
- Emerging Professions Round-Table
- Future Pathways to Professional Standing Round-Table
- ACoP implements Office of the CEO
These joint activities and projects make ACoP membership influential in informing and shaping the national discourse and policy development on matters affecting the Professions, in particular Education, Accreditation, Micro-Credentials and Employability, Professionalism and Ethics, Diversity, Culture and Inclusion as well as Climate Action.
The activities and projects of the Australian Council of Professions (ACoP) are independently funded and supported by its Member Organisations.
Becoming a Member
To participate in and benefit from our activities and projects, you can become a member of the Australian Council of Professions (ACoP) if you are either a Professional Association established in Australia to represent a profession and/or ensure its quality or if you are a Supporting Organisation that supports professionalism and our vision, mission and constitutional objects.
The annual membership fees have regard to the circumstances of each member organisation: fees for Professional Associations are mainly based on the number of professionals they represent; Supporting Organisation fees are mainly based on the number of staff and/or revenue.
The following organisations have recently joined us:
- Financial Planning Professionals join ACoP
- Public Works Engineering Professionals join ACoP
- Institute of Internal Auditors joins ACoP
- Global Leader in English Language Teaching QA joins ACoP
- Chartered Accountants ANZ join Council of Professions
- Geoscience Professionals join Council of Professions
Member Organisations

Association of Consulting Architects (ACA)
Built Environment Professionals *

Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC)
Veterinary Health Professionals

Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA)
Community and Human Services Professionals

Australian Computer Society (ACS)
Engineering Professionals

Australian Dental Council (ADC)
Health Professionals

Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG)
Geoscience Professionals

Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS)
Health and Safety Professionals

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
Information Professionals

Australian Medical Council (AMC)
Health Professionals

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)
Health Professionals

Australian Pharmacy Council (APC)
Health Professionals

Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC)
Health Professionals

Chartered Accountants ANZ
Financial Services Professionals

Education Provider *

Engineers Australia (EA)
Engineering Professionals

Institute of Management Consultants (IMC)
Management Professionals

Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA)
Information Professionals

Speech Pathology Australia (SPA)
Health Professionals
To further explore options of ACoP Membership, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or
* Supporting organisation without voting rights.