The Australian Council of Profession’s inaugural series of Community of Practice Round-Table meetings continue the discussions and discourse that began at the Micro-Credentials National Summit in March 2019.
The intent of these Round-Tables is:
- to investigate how Professional Associations can develop relevant standards and accreditation practices that best support the implementation of micro-credentialing within CPD/CPE offerings, both in formal and non-formal award settings.
- to explore the ways in which Professional Association CPD/CPE offerings can be linked to Professional Practice credentialing to address:
– Life-long career learning
– Engagement in the Professional Association community
– Drive membership opportunities
Current definitions of the various micro-credentialing models are both confusing and varied. The way learning and training is recognized, accredited and validated is also changing with intrinsic on-the-job skills and best practices providing the most value and benefit to association members.
How can Professional Associations assist in developing a common language to best underpin this new educational landscape? How can we clearly define the differences between badging for learning and credentialing skills capability capture?
Professional Associations face a common challenge — how to remain relevant and expand their footprint in their particular domain. Success depends on the ability to create value for their brand. This free Round-Table is your opportunity to work with your peers within the Australian Council of Professions to determine how best to provide accreditation oversight of how Professional Practice credentials can help Associations address these common challenges.
Who should attend:
– Leaders of Professional Associations
– Directors of Professional Standards
– Heads of CPD/CPE Programmes
Topics discussed at the Round-Tables:
- The common language that needs to be adopted to better understand the various models of micro-credentialing.
- The types of Standards that need to be developed around Micro-Credentialing
- The Accreditation Practices that should underpin Micro-Credentialing
The Round-Tables were held:
Sydney: 30 May 2019, Australian Computer Society
Melbourne: 25th June 2019, Deakin University
The generous support of the Australian Computer Society and DeakinCo is gratefully acknowledged!