We are delighted to welcome the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) as a professional association member, further broadening our reach into the accounting profession. CA ANZ represents more than 128, 000 financial professionals, supporting them to build value and make a difference to the businesses, organisations and communities in which they work and live.

Chartered Accountants are uniquely equipped to see the bigger picture. This perspective which comes from the depth, breadth and rigour of their training, their commitment to an ethical code, their future vision and their care for the wider community.
CA ANZ promotes high ethical standards, delivers world-class services and professional education and training to members, and advocates for the public good. “We welcome the Chartered Accountants back into our community of professional associations. They will substantially increase the accounting professionals that we represent through our member organisations. Considering the challenges facing Australian small and medium enterprises as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, accounting professionals are playing a vital role in Australia’s economic recovery and transformation.” said ACoP Board President Klaus Veil.
“We are delighted to join the Australian Council of Professions,” said CA ANZ Group Executive of Education & Learning Simon Hann. “Our research found that accounting is one of the most trusted professions with over three quarters of the Australian and New Zealand public saying they had higher levels of trust in an accountant who is a member of a professional accounting body. We look forward to working closely with ACoP to ensure we maintain and build trust in the profession particularly as many businesses look to Chartered Accountants to help them reset and recover from the pandemic.”
With the membership of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), ACoP now represents over 930,000 professionals through its member organisations.
Welcome Back, Chartered Accountants ANZ!