Accreditation Dialogue between Unis and Professions

Professions Australia hosted a member forum on 1 April 2015 to progress work on the Universities Australia and Professions Australia draft Joint Statement of Principles for Professional Accreditation. Chaired by former Professions Australia Board Member, Mr Rupert Grayston, the forum saw constructive and robust dialogue between the universities’ and professions’ representatives. However, the open and

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Expert Evidence

The Federal Court of Australia has produced Guidelines for Expert Witnesses in Proceedings.  These are available at The guidelines are not intended to address all aspects of an expert witness’s duties, but are intended to facilitate the admission of opinion evidence, and to assist experts to understand in general terms what the Court expects

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Blueprint for National Registration of the Professions

The Blueprint for National Registration of the Professions has been developed by Professions Australia and its member organisations.  Our objective is to promote and facilitate the implementation of national registration arrangements for those professions currently subject to state andterritory based regulation. The Blueprint acknowledges that Australia is a single integrated market, exposed to domestic and

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Higher Education at the Crossroads

The Australian Council of Professions (ACoP) has responded to the various reviews and papers initiated by the government over recent years and is now submitting comments on the overview paper ‘Higher Education at the Crossroads’. ACoP Members are the major professional associations and they maintain contact with the professional schools in the universities in the

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Professional Skills Development

Reflecting our concern about the longer term economic and social impacts of ongoing professional skills shortages, Professions Australia has been working with our member associations to better understand the nature of these shortages (or in some instances – oversupply) and to explore possible approaches to better matching supply and demand over the longer term. Our

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New Knowledge – New Opportunities

Introduction The Australian Council of Professions acknowledges the importance of the matters raised in the Discussion Paper on Higher Education Research and Research Training and appreciates the fact that the Minister is giving proper attention to this area. Nevertheless, it is generally acknowledged that the university system, including university research, is seriously affected by funding

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Professional Services under Threat

Australia’s professional practitioners – from veterinarians, physiotherapists and engineers to doctors, lawyers, accountants and surveyors – are under threat. The threat stems from the fact that professionals have become obvious – and often unjustified – targets when something goes wrong and the “victim” looks around for someone to blame. In our increasingly litigious society, professionals

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