2020 saw unprecedented challenges for Australians and their institutions. Faced with an unknown virus pandemic, the public and governments trusted the Chief Medical/Health Officers as professionals providing science-based, ethical and responsible thought-leadership and advice to survive this threat to lives and livelihoods.
We are celebrating our 50-year anniversary by declaring 2021 as the “Year of the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism“. We will use our anniversary to engage with the broader community and public to advocate for the purpose and value of the professions, professionals and professionalism.With our member organisations we will plan, coordinate and convene events large and small throughout 2021 that will exemplify the value of the professions, their professionals and professionalism. We will also be working with exemplars of various professions to champion the importance of individuals and governments following the evidence-based advice of professionals in difficult times which includes leveraging the profile that the Chief Medical/Health Officers have gained over the last 10 months in the public eye as trusted advisers and leaders in the pandemic.
Activities have included:
- 50 Year Anniversary
- Chief Professionalist Round Table
- ACoP opens Office of the Chief Professionalist
- Plotting the Journey to Professionalism for English Teachers
- ACoP appoints Chief Professionalist
- ACoP delivers Invited Workshop on Ethics in Data Analytics
- ACoP welcomes Return to Fact-Based Policy-Making
- 2021 – Professions, Professionals and Professionalism
For more information on the Year of the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or CEO@Professions.org.au!