What we do

As the Unifying Alliance of Professional Associations that represents close to a million Australian professionals, we are acknowledged by the community, industry and government as the Thought Leaders advocating for the Professions, Professionals and Professionalism since 1971.
With our member professional associations and supporting organisations we share the mission of building and maintaining community confidence in all professionals.

Thought Leadership

To fulfil our Purpose, Vision and Mission we are further growing our thought leadership with the goal of being “the Meeting Place for Thought Leaders on all things Professional“. Based on input and feedback from our Member Organisations, our focus is on four main policy and advocacy areas:
Education, Accreditation, Micro-Credentials and Employability
Professionalism and Ethics
Diversity, Culture and Inclusion
Climate Action

Education, Accreditation, Micro-Credentials and Employability (EAMCE)

This main policy and advocacy area covers Education, Higher Education Course Accreditation, Micro-Credentials, Life-Long-Learning/Education and Employability, Continuing Professional Education & Development (CPD/CPE) and is managed by our Education, Accreditation, Micro-Credentials and Employability Portfolio Committee.

Major recent portfolio activities have been:

Professionalism and Ethics

This main policy and advocacy area covers Professionalism and Ethics and is managed by our Professionalism and Ethics Portfolio Committee.

Major recent portfolio activities have been:

Diversity, Culture and Inclusion (DCI)

This main policy and advocacy area covers broad-based Diversity (gender, LGBTI, race, ethnicity, migration status, age, disability, etc.) and is managed by our Diversity, Culture and Inclusion Portfolio Committee.

Major recent portfolio activities have been:

Climate Action

This main policy and advocacy area covers activities supporting the transition to a net-zero society and is managed by our Climate Action Portfolio Committee.

Major recent portfolio activities have been:


In addition to the above three policy focus areas, we do advocacy activities when and where beneficial and/or asked for by our Member Organisations.

Major recent advocacy initiatives and activities have been:


To be effective in our policy areas and our advocacy, we maintain reciprocal relationships with organisations relevant to the professional domain, including:
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)
Universities Australia (UA)
Department of Education, Skills and Employability (DESE)
Council of Small Business Organisations (COSBOA)
Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations (APFAO)
Associations Forum

If you would like more information on our activities, contact us on 1300 664 587 or CEO@Professions.org.au.